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No Yolking™ Just Beet It NY Raspberry Liver Cleanse Mocktail

This foamy drink is so delicious and the health benefits make it a great low calorie meal that cleanses the liver, lowers blood pressure, increases oxygen and has great cancer fighter properties.

Raspberries contain “Ellagic acid which prevents the binding of carcinogens to DNA and strengthens connective tissue, which may keep cancer cells from spreading.” (1) Ellagic Acid has the ability to inhibit mutations within a cell’s DNA. Furthermore, it is considered to be a cancer inhibitor which has the ability to cause apoptosis or normal cell death in cancer cells.” As cited from thecancertutor.com

“Research shows that consumption of nitrate-rich, whole beets improve running performance in healthy adults. In another study, researchers found that people who drank beet juice increased their oxygen uptake by up to 16%. This is actually more than a normal person can improve by, even when training extensively. Beet juice has shown to improve athletic performance in runners, swimmers, and cyclists, making it an interesting sports drink that most people would never consider.”  Cited from organicfacts.com


Makes: 1 serving


1 ¼ cup of coconut water

1 cup of frozen raspberries

2 tbsp of No Yolking egg white protein

1 heaping teaspoon of organic beet crystals

½ squeezed lemon

½ dropper of Wild Muskoka Citrus and Dandelion bitters


Put all ingredients in the blender in order of ingredients. Blend for 1 minute. Pour and enjoy.

Muskoka Mornings® loves all things local – especially fresh produce! During cherry seasonwe llove adding a few freshly pitted cherries to our No Yolking™ Detox Skinny Latte. The cherries give it a beautiful reddish hue, a touch of sweetness and all their incredible health benefits. Combined with our No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder, you’ll be hydrated, satiated and feel great.

Carrot Cake Smoothie Bowl

Carrot Cake Smoothie Bowl

You won’t believe how much this tastes just like a slice of the classic spring cake but without the sugar! Our smoothie recipe is made with fresh (and budget-friendly!) carrots, bananas and pineapple and is packed with clean protein, thanks to our No Yolking™ 100 %...

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No Yolking™ Egg White Mask

No Yolking™ Egg White Mask

The benefits of protein in a face mask are great: the 21 amino acids in a complete protein will be utilized in elastin and collagen production. That’s what helps your skin heal from burns, cuts, etc. and also will help reinforce our skin, which is the first armour...

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Ginger Beet Smoothie

Ginger Beet Smoothie

If you're looking to add a new smoothie to your rotation, look no further! Our Ginger Beet Smoothie is bright, it's fresh and it's loaded with health benefits.  Beets are a nutritional powerhouse. They're a great source of fibre, folate, manganese, potassium, iron,...

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