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Fuel your body right with No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder for optimal performance and recovery pre- and post-workout.

By: Kerry Foreman, Owner and Founder of Muskoka Mornings®

Are you ready to take your fitness routine to the next level? Whether you’re an avid gym-goer, a dedicated yogi, or simply enjoy keeping active, what you eat before and after your workout plays a crucial role in your overall performance and recovery. Protein plays a huge part in fuelling your body before and after a workout, and No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder makes it easy to incorporate into your fitness regime. 

Fueling Your Body Before a Workout

The food you consume before exercising provides the energy your muscles need to perform their best. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Different Types of Exercises: The type of exercise you plan to engage in can influence your pre-workout snack. For cardio workouts like running or cycling, opt for easily digestible carbohydrates to provide quick energy. For strength training, include a balance of carbohydrates and protein to sustain your efforts.
  2. Protein as an Essential Component: Protein is a vital part of your pre-workout nutrition. It helps repair and build muscle tissue, improving your overall fitness. Incorporating high-quality protein sources like No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder can give your body the protein boost it needs to perform best.

Pre-Workout Recipe Ideas Using No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder

Our website is full of wholesome snack ideas and healthy smoothies that are perfect to fuel your body for a workout. Here are another two to try:

Protein-Packed Smoothie: Enjoy this creamy and protein-rich smoothie about 1 to 2 hours before your workout.


1 banana
4 TBSP of No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder
1 cup of almond milk
1 tablespoon of almond butter
1/2 cup of oats
A dash of cinnamon


  1. Simply blend all ingredients until smooth.

Greek Yogourt Parfait: Dive in before hitting the gym!


1 cup of Greek yogourt
1/4 cup of granola
1/2 cup of mixed berries
1 tablespoon of honey
2 tbsp of No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder 


  1. Layer Greek yogourt, granola, and berries in a glass.
  2. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder for an added protein boost.

Post-Workout Recovery: The Importance of Nutrient Refueling

After an intense workout, your body needs nourishment to recover effectively. Here’s why post-workout nutrition matters:

  1. Muscle Recovery: Consuming the right nutrients after exercising helps repair and rebuild muscle tissue, and reduces the risk of soreness and injury.
  2. Energy Restoration: Replenishing glycogen stores with carbohydrates refuels your energy levels, and prevents fatigue.
  3. Hydration: Don’t forget to rehydrate with water or an electrolyte-rich drink to replace fluids lost during exercise.

How soon after a workout should you eat?

The timing of your post-workout meal or snack, also known as the “post-workout window,” is important for optimizing recovery and replenishing your body’s energy stores. After an intensive workout, like rowing, it’s generally recommended to eat your post-workout food within the first 30 minutes to two hours, with the ideal time falling within the first 45 minutes to one hour. Here’s why this timing is crucial:

  1. Muscle Recovery: After intense exercise, your muscles experience tiny tears and need essential nutrients, especially protein, to repair and rebuild. Eating within the post-workout window provides the necessary amino acids for this process.
  2. Glycogen Replenishment: Intense workouts can deplete your glycogen stores (the body’s stored form of carbohydrates), and consuming carbohydrates within the post-workout window helps replenish these stores, ensuring you have energy for your next workout.
  3. Minimizing Muscle Soreness: Eating promptly after exercise can help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness by providing nutrients that support the healing process.
  4. Hydration: Along with food, it’s essential to rehydrate after a workout to replace fluids lost through sweat.

What Should You Eat Post-Workout? 

Combining carbohydrates with protein in your post-workout meal or snack can enhance recovery and muscle protein synthesis. Protein helps repair and build muscle tissue, while carbohydrates replenish glycogen stores and provide energy.

Remember that individual needs can vary, so it’s a good idea to experiment with different intake levels and observe how your body responds. Additionally, if you have specific dietary restrictions or health concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional for personalized recommendations. 

When To Eat Post-Workout? 

Some people might find they can eat a full meal right after a workout, while others prefer a smaller snack. The key is to ensure you’re consuming a combination of protein and carbohydrates to support recovery and energy replenishment.

Additionally, listen to your body’s hunger and satiety cues. If you’re not hungry immediately after a workout, it’s okay to wait before eating. The critical factor is consistency in providing your body with the nutrients it needs to recover and perform optimally during your next workout.

General Guidelines: 

  1. Immediate post-workout (up to 30 minutes): Consuming a small, easily digestible snack or drink immediately after your workout is ideal. This can be a protein shake, a piece of fruit, or a protein bar.
  2. 30 minutes to 2 hours post-workout: If you can’t eat immediately, aim to have a balanced meal within this time frame. Include a source of protein, carbohydrates, and some healthy fats. For example, a chicken breast with quinoa and vegetables, a tofu stir-fry with brown rice or a No Yolking™ Avocado and Turkey Wrap

Post-Workout Snack Recipe Ideas:

Recovery Smoothie: This refreshing smoothie is packed with protein, vitamins, and electrolytes to support your post-workout recovery.


1 cup of coconut water
4 tablespoons (20g) No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder
1/2 cup of frozen mango chunks
1/2 cup of spinach
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
A squeeze of fresh lime juice


  1. Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Avocado and Turkey Wrap: This recipe provides a balance of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates, making it an excellent choice to support your recovery after an intensive workout. On top of the tryptophan in the egg white, the added tryptophan from the turkey helps relax the muscles too.


1 protein wrap 
1 tbsp hummus (a two-tablespoon serving of hummus packs about five grams carbohydrates)
Handful of spinach or mixed greens
3 to 4 slices of lean turkey breast
1/2 ripe avocado, sliced
1 sweet potato or yam (previously cooked and sliced)
Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Lay the egg white protein wrap on a clean surface and spread a thin layer of hummus evenly over the tortilla.
  2. Place the spinach or mixed greens in the center of the tortilla.
  3. Layer the turkey slices, avocado slices, and sweet potato slices on top of the greens.
  4. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper for flavor.
  5. Carefully fold in the sides of the tortilla and then roll it up tightly, like a burrito. Slice the wrap in half diagonally for easier handling.


Incorporating No Yolking™ 100% Egg White Protein Powder into your pre- and post-workout meal plans can significantly enhance your fitness journey. It’s a convenient and high-quality source of protein, helping you achieve your exercise goals. So, whether you’re hitting the gym or heading outdoors for cooler weather activities, remember that what you eat matters in achieving your fitness goals. Fuel up, work out, and reap the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle!


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